12 Stress-Free ways to Eat alone
12 Stress-Free Ways to Eat alone
In a Restaurant
Visiting a restaurant alone takes some nerves even for a pro. It can be a bit intimidating if you are not mentally strong or have not previously eaten alone. You can feel out of place especially when you are now being seated and the waiter announces…. “table for one?” and quickly grabs two glasses off your table and hurriedly walks away. It is as if you are taking up a table meant for at least two or more persons and they will be making less money off this table, (some think a solo diner = a lower bill/less money).
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At times you may be half-way through your meal and think… okay not too bad, then the waiter comes and grabs a chair from your table and ask if you don’t mind. It’s like “wdh” he expects you to say? No, don’t take the chair!? Instances like this can make you feel a bit off-balanced. Continue reading as I share with you, 12 stress-free ways to eat alone like a pro, without feeling awkward or unnecessarily stressed.

Yes!! to Eating alone… but in Public!?!
To be honest, one of my joys is to eat alone. The food tastes so much better when all my senses are focused only on what’s going on in my mouth. The aroma, the taste, and flavours, all come together to make one happy palate. No talks, nor distractions by someone staring at me, or talking about something I have no interest in.
I am sure many people may feel the same as I do, not a big deal eating alone privately, maybe at home or the office, however, the problem arises when it’s in public, in a formal setting. Many people will not entertain the thought of going to a restaurant alone. Not when seated at almost every table are couples or groups of diners staring at them, (as some may think). I have eaten alone in restaurants all over the world, and as a senior restaurant reviewer on TripAdvisor. I will, therefore, share some of the positives of eating alone and some ways to do so effectively in public.

For me, it doesn’t matter whether I eat alone in private or public. I carefully choose my seating and I am only too happy to have a quiet meal. Here are some of the positives of eating alone.
- Alone with your thoughts, you can formulate in your head what’s on the agenda for the day, reminisce on the day you had or organize your agenda for the following day.
- Review your vacation photos and edit/delete etc.
- Use this time to catch on chats with friends elsewhere (because its considered bad manners to be messaging on your phone whilst with company).
- Opportunity to continue reading your best-selling must-read book.
- Eat what you want and much as you want without being judged.
- Food tastes better when all your senses are focused solely on it.
- No one’s eating off your plate.

I think to deal with situations like this, we all need to “grow a thick skin” and try not to care too much about what people may say or think of you. However, it’s easier said than done, but with practice, over time, you will get there eventually. You are in a foreign country, and as a solo traveller, you must face the fact that eating alone is part of it.
Who is going to remember you eating alone? After you have eaten and left the restaurant, you are not going to see these people again, so, therefore, don’t stress over things like this. For those new to this and who may feel awkward or nervous to eat alone. I will share 12 tips with you to have you eating alone with confidence, in little time.
- Eat at the Bar, talk to the bartender, most people feel more relaxed here and it’s easier to meet new people.
- Choose a less formal restaurant, fine dining caters more for couples or families and the seating style will not be conducive.
- Choose your seating carefully, some waiters like to put singles close the washroom or in the middle of the restaurant, stand your ground and insist on your seating or find another place to eat.
- Sit in an obscure part of the restaurant, maybe at the back or side where you have a vantage point of the other diners, and not where everyone is surrounding you.
- If the restaurant has additional seating outside, opt for the outside where it is more casual and where you can gaze at passers-by. (this is a perfect seating option).
- Take your props with you, your kindle, your favourite book, or cell phone. Use this time to touch base with friends and family back home.

- Don’t visit at peak times, these times, restaurants cater to couples and families, many social gatherings, birthdays, etc.
- Drop Hints that you are a restaurant food reviewer and see the difference in treatment. Take a note pad with you and write in between bites. This could be your itinerary for the next day (no one’s the wiser).
- Have a beer or glass of wine to mellow you out and take the edge off.
- Mind your business!! don’t be looking around every few minutes at people in the restaurant like a lost soul.

- Don’t worry about being judged, because we all know that other diners are minding their business. If they even decide to talk about you, do you think they will say ‘ooh that poor lady is eating alone with no friends?” No! they will admire you for being strong enough to eat/travel alone and paying the bill. I am sure they will notice you are a visitor, either from your appearance or accent when you speak to the waiter. Just know that it is empowering to be a solo female traveller. You can afford to eat alone with confidence.
- Mentally plan your exit from the restaurant, announce to the waiter, “see you tomorrow for lunch/dinner”, this shows confidence.
- Act confident, even though inside you are all nerves, walk with your head and chin up. It will also help if you learn some slangs and few words in the country’s language perfect especially on entry or exit from the restaurant, it is always pleasing to the locals.
- Chat with the Servers, they are always very happy to meet someone from another country and make new friends or even take your photos.

Know that most people are just eating and minding their business, no one is sitting there feeling sorry for you or looking at you with pity. People may more than likely, be admiring a beautiful lady who is 1. Confident and comfortable enough to eat alone 2. Paying for her meal. You are on vacation!!!! and you don’t need anyone by your side to feel at ease or to pay the bill. Trust me, you’ve got it going on and don’t even realize it. So, try a few of my 12 stress-free ways to eat alone, and in no time, you will forget being stressed or feeling out of place.
Try it at least once, no one is going to remember you or care that you are eating alone, therefore why even focus on who looks at you or who says what!? Let this be part of your mindset when preparing for a solo vacation because you will have to eat alone and therefore need to prepare mentally and psychologically to do so.

Last Resort
If none of these 12 steps helped you, then my advice is use 1. take away option, especially if it’s a popular restaurant with great tasting food, but with intimidating formal settings. However, the problem with this is that some fine dining restaurants do not offer, take away nor delivery service. The other option is 2. order in, and have your meals delivered to your hotel, this option may offer fewer food options. We all must eat but it is no fun to do so in an environment where you feel awkward or stressed after spending so much for your meal.

These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links to the products and information and suggested uses .
For MUST-READ BOOKS Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who who are looking to improve their life and personally grow and develop. How to win friends and Influence people (#Ad) another self improvement and and social skills development read (excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight) or during your free time. CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions
Share your experiences with me, do you like to eat alone? Have you ever eaten alone in a formal setting at a restaurant, how was it? I am curious to hear your stories.
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