The coronavirus pandemic is bad news for the world, especially travellers, and by extension the travel industry. It has caused lots of job losses, worldwide economic crises, isolation, and many deaths. Nonetheless, despite all this, some very clear and positives effects are now visible due to the enforced quarantine measures around the world. The common tagline “Stay home and save lives”, due to the contagiousness of the virus, has caused many to dig deep inside to learn how to cope with the COVID-19 lock-down. However, out of bad “cometh” some good and opportunities for greater change. So, here are 20 positive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, that are quite visible to many worldwide.
Your personal nebulizer/respirator is very important to help you breathe better, and can aid in so many ways during this time of worldwide pandemic. It is very handy if you are having problems breathing. It is perfect for use at home or on the go.
- You are getting more rest and sleep now that you don’t have to awake early to report to your workplace. You can retire to bed later at night and even take naps during the day.
- Better health and cleaner lungs, sitting in traffic take years off your life due to stress-related issues. Carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbons and Carbon dioxide inhalation from vehicle exhausts. is not good for the planet, much-less your lungs. Now that you are working from home, your health and stress level are sure to see some improvements.
- Most people are learning to cook or are cooking more since most restaurants are closed. A spin-off effect of cooking is that you are more than likely to eat healthier and more economical. You will also discover inadvertently, this is one of the ways how to save money to travel, or to reach and achieve any other financial goals. Most people don’t realize that cooking helps to save lots of money if done consistently.

Minimum 15% savings available on new accommodation bookings at participating properties indicated by the “Late Escape Deals” badge on the search results and room selection pages. Bookings must be made before 9:59 am CET on 7 January 2025 for stays with check-in from 1 October 2024 and check-out on or before 7 January 2025. Discount applies to the cost of room only (excluding any additional fees or taxes). If you make any changes to your booking you may lose your discount and be liable for the full amount. Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion except Genius discounts. Room rates labelled “Partner Offer” are excluded from this promotion. This offer is provided by the participating property and is subject to availability.
- A better and clearer evaluation of your partner and relationship can now be determined, now that there are fewer outside distractions. The communication skills, tolerance, and supportive traits will be in focus during this time for those couples quarantined together. During this period, you will better see the true qualities of your partner and the future of the relationship, good or bad.
- People are showing compassion, care, and generosity even more so, now that we are all facing this pandemic. Everyone’s in unison, seeking togetherness and the well-being of each other, they more charitable and less focused on petty issues. It is quite noticeable that even some of the world’s “superpowers” are helping each other.
- Animals of the land, sea, and air seem to be happier and more visible. They are enjoying nature and their surroundings even more with the fresher air, cleaner waters, and less hunted and killed. The animals seem to be currently less inhibited, due to fewer people in their domain.

- You are learning a new skill or have found a new hobby you enjoy. With the extra free time, you would have found a new interest, skill, or hobby to keep you occupied.
- You can clearly distinguish your true friends from your frenemies, mainly those who haven’t communicated with you in ages or never seemed to have the time for you. They suddenly reappear because they are now bored, in need, and or lonely. This being the case, you get an opportunity to forgive and forget and maybe reinvigorate the friendship.
- Everyone has become more hygienic and health-conscious. We are all practicing better and healthier eating habits, having more fresh fruits and vitamins and exercising more. It is now a norm to wash our hands more frequently and cleaning our surroundings regularly. People are doing the right things when it comes to practicing correct hygiene, like hand-washing (the correct way), coughing and sneezing (the hygienic way), etc. Previously, for most people, it was anything goes, but now they need to become more hygienic as a life-saving measure.

20 Positive Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic cont'd....
- The planet is better for it, with less pollution, less Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Carbon monoxide (CO) which are harmful carbon emissions. These affect your health and give off greenhouse gases which are detrimental to the environment and ozone layer. However, reports are that the ozone layer is healing due to a reduction in the levels of CFCs and HCFCs. All this is due to:
- Less road traffic as fewer trains, buses, cars, etc. are on the roads. The traffic is less because the non-essential workers are home and only the essential workers are on the job.
- Fewer airplanes are flying, so there is less heat, noise, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Carbon monoxide (CO), and Hydrocarbons emissions in the atmosphere. Therefore, a reduction of negative effects on the ozone layer is the immediate result.
- Production is down, so fewer manufacturing factories are belching out toxic exhausts and or the burning of fossil fuels.
- The watercourses are less polluted, the lakes, rivers, and seas are cleaner, and the once absent animals have returned. This is because there is a prohibition of visits to these water sources, which means less pollution by people.

- A new era and possibilities for budding entrepreneurs, with the closure of so many non-essential businesses. Anyone thinking of becoming an entrepreneur can see “where the money is at” and which businesses are thriving during this period. Therefore, see the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity for the commencement of a potentially thriving and profitable business. It is already quite noticeable, that many are now in the business of making and selling reusable cloth face masks and protective gear from their homes. E commerce is also blossoming, and farmers are not only selling farm products online but are doing home deliveries. The possibilities are endless for the constructive and ambitious people.
- More money in your pocket due to the curtailment of unnecessary spending and splurging the on non-essential items. This practice now replaced by essential purchases only. Everyone has also stopped socializing/“hanging out” and are cooking more, which helps to save money.

- Better time-management and organizational skills are developing, as many people are working from home. Workers have a mandate to put in quality time and work without supervision. So, they are learning to prioritize and manage their “work time” to be more productive from home.
- Online schools are thriving and blooming, children are learning from the quiet of their homes without classroom distraction. They are benefiting in several ways, namely:
- Children are learning time-management.
- Less wasted time and stress in traffic.
- Safer and happier at home (for those bullied at school).
- They are experiencing how effective online learning can be, and how it will apply in their adult-life in the business world. All this is possible through the interaction and utilization of online classes using zoom and other learning platforms.
- You have more quality time with your family, children, and spouse (if you have). It is especially gratifying if you previously complained about insufficient time together.

- More time for your social network friends, now you can catch up on your virtual socializing. Spend time with friends you previously had little or no time for because both parties were always too busy.
- People are praying and fearing God more and turning to him instead of religion and the church for salvation. Now. they have no alternative but to develop a one-on-one relationship with their God, due to the closure of churches.
- More time for yourself and in the process, taking better care of yourself. All the things you have been procrastinating about, like exercising, reading an interesting book, diet, and extra grooming. Others may prefer to simply relax, reflect, and meditate, now that they have the time to do so.

- The elderly is receiving extra special care, from the health sector and their families. The banks are offering special hours for senior citizens only. Supermarkets are giving special priority with special opening hours also, some even offer free delivery. Some restaurants offer free meals to those who are unable to go grocery shopping.
- People are finally seeing who are the true “essential workers”. They are not necessarily the ones in society with the master’s and bachelor’s degrees. Some of those who are looked down on by many in the public are the ones sustaining and protecting society. The Sanitation workers, the Supermarket and the Pharmacy workers, Security agencies, Transport drivers, and of course the Nurses and Doctors. They are the ones needed more than ever now, whilst the so-called “prominent” ones are at home as non-essentials.

These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links to the products and information and suggested uses .
For MUST-READ BOOKS Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who are looking to improve their life and personally grow and develop. How to win friends and Influence people (#Ad) another self improvement and and social skills development read (excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight) or during your free time. CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions.
The main setback of the pandemic is freedom of movement, especially for the younger and healthier people who just want to be out enjoying life. However, as previously mentioned, in all bad circumstances there is always an opportunity for good to surface.
Many people previously complained that they work too much. Some have taken days off from work to rest, spend time with loved ones, or to take care of business.
Now is the opportune time to “make lemonade from lemons”. Turn the negativity of this pandemic into something fruitful economically or otherwise. A surplus of free time could never be a bad thing. Work with what is before you and find ways to capitalize on it, to improve your life in some positive way.
While we wait to get back out in the world and resume our normal activities, I am sure you may have experienced at least one of the 20 positive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. If not, now is your time to find your positive inspiration and make it part of your life, moving forward.
Minimum 15% savings available on new accommodation bookings at participating properties indicated by the “Late Escape Deals” badge on the search results and room selection pages. Bookings must be made before 9:59 am CET on 7 January 2025 for stays with check-in from 1 October 2024 and check-out on or before 7 January 2025. Discount applies to the cost of room only (excluding any additional fees or taxes). If you make any changes to your booking you may lose your discount and be liable for the full amount. Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion except Genius discounts. Room rates labelled “Partner Offer” are excluded from this promotion. This offer is provided by the participating property and is subject to availability.
What have you experienced or observed generally since the pandemic? Share with me, some of the positives on your side of the world.
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