It is imperative to maintain your health before, during, and after your vacation. Because optimal health will determine whether or not you can embark on said vacation. Remaining healthy during your trip will define its quality and level of enjoyment. Similarly, returning home safely and in good health will prevent a doctor’s visit, or you from being quarantined (depending on your COVID-19 status). It will complete a perfect trip, if you return home as healthy as when you left. So I will share 20 ways to remain healthy while travelling.
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There are many health risks associated with travelling, especially those who are not meticulous in managing their health. It all depends on you and how you protect yourself! Below are a few health risks that can affect you during or after your vacation.
- Jet lag – the body’s internal clock or sleep rhythm goes out of whack because of the time zone crossings. Your body then becomes stressed, resulting in health issues such as headaches, insomnia, etc.
- Sleep deprivation (which weakens the immune system).
- Dehydration this causes a myriad of health complications).
- Exposure to germs and contagious diseases flu, tuberculosis, COVID-19, etc.), especially inside planes.
- Radiation Exposure, persons who travel, especially frequent flyers, are more prone to radiation (from cosmic rays) because of the length and high altitudes at which planes fly.
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Travel is beneficial to the mind, body, and spirit, and is one of the biggest stress-relievers I know to date. The thought of embarking on a trip can make anyone super-happy. We all know stress causes diseases, so a stress-free body is a happy and healthy body. There are many health benefits related to travel. Below are a few major ones.
- Peace of mind and less stress (even for a short time). Lower stress levels decrease the risk of heart disease and promote longer life.
- Slow the onset of Dementia or Alzheimer’s because you are learning new things. The brain is a muscle that needs constant strengthening and stimulation, so learning new things and challenging your brain is very important.
- It improves your physical health – moving and exploring more, which means (less room for obesity) a fitter you.
- Improves your brain/mental health, memory, and cognitive abilities (no room for depression). Your memory must be sharp when you are in a foreign land.
- Travel is like probiotics for your immune system. When you travel the globe or different areas, you expose yourself to various new bacteria, foreign to your country. Consequently, your body learns to adapt to these, which strengthens you/immune system.
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“Your health is your wealth.” It is even more critical to secure and maintain your health when travelling, especially during this pandemic. Currently, maintaining your health and remaining Covid-19-free is a top priority, not only for your overall health benefit but to avoid the cancellation/disruption of your travel plans. Let’s get to the 20 ways to remain healthy while travelling, before you embark on your vacation. Also see the travel-day checklist (10 things you should do before your flight).
1. Boost your immune system before leaving on your vacation.
We all have special potions or health rituals that work best for us. They keep us feeling super strong, boost our immune systems and provide prolonged protection. Whatever this might be, boost up days/weeks before embarking on your trip.
The best compact travel Camera, the Sony Alpha A6600 Mirrorless Camera, with 18-135mm Zoom Lens.
It is perfect for all travellers and photographers.
2. Pack your Insect repellent and sunscreen with SPF higher than 15
Remember, some countries are closer to the equator than others and are more prone to the radiation and full effects of the sun. Some people think there are no effects from the sun because it is wintertime or they are in the shade, not so. As long as it is daylight (even on rainy days), you are prone to the effects of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation. So, use a sunscreen with SPF of 15 and above, reapply on average every two hours.(I recommend La Roche-Posay Anthelios Tinted Sunscreen SPF 50, available on Amazon), Do not forget, insects and mosquito-borne diseases are still prevalent, and you need to protect your health with a good quality insect repellent.
3. Get your shots (at least 14 days) in advance
Whether it is the flu shot, yellow fever (mandatory to visit some countries), or COVID-19 vaccine (mandatory to visit most countries). This is especially essential for the immunocompromised or those with chronic underlying health issues. Mandatory or not, it is in your best interest to protect your health while travelling.

4. Lighten your handbag to avoid shoulder problems
I can tell you I have done the overweight handbag drill several times through many airports. The issue is that when we try to maximize space and or avoid overweight charges in our luggage, many like myself use our handbags to pack items and distribute weight. Avoid doing this because it is a bad idea. This practice causes shoulder strain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Not only is this painful, but it takes months to disappear using specific stretches and exercises. I have unfortunately suffered this fate and will advise others to avoid doing the same.
5. Moisturize your nostrils (mucous membrane) before take-off
Avoid contracting the bug and germs on board by moisturizing your nostrils. It keeps the nasal passage from drying and cracking which will cause germs to enter your system. Reapply every few hours using good old vaseline/petroleum jelly (both my preferences) or a moisturizing nasal spray of your choice. (do this before boarding or on the plane). Wipe/flush your nostrils when you arrive at your destination. Of the 20 ways to remain healthy while travelling, this is my must-do trick and has worked amazingly for many years.
6. Pack (healthy) snacks
Be sure to pack the healthy snacks you desire for your trip. They will not only save money because of the exorbitant prices at the airport and on some airlines, but you will have healthier choices. The extra salty, sugary, or oily snacks will only work against your health.
7. Use nature/outdoors as your gym
For those accustomed to a regular gym routine, it is imperative to maintain some level of physical activity to maintain fitness and keep the heart rate up. If you have no access to a gym, substitute your workout with simple things like using the stairs instead of elevators, walking, or cycling to get around the city are excellent substitutes for driving. Those who love the adrenaline rush and fresh air can go hiking outside the city for an extreme challenge . If you are travelling alone, take precaution! I would not recommend hiking alone, (see 28 safety tips for solo travellers). These are fun ways to get much-needed exercise while exploring without feeling like you are exercising.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES ON THE PLANE - (20 ways to remain healthy while travelling cont.).
8. Turn off the overhead air vent
It is advisable to turn off the air vent over your head as soon as you get on board the plane because there are droplets with contaminants circulating on board. Whether it is germs from the toilet or sick passengers, it is not sensible to have this blowing directly on you for long periods. The droplets might enter your nose, eyes, and mouth, increasing your chances of infection. This way, you have less direct exposure and minimize the risk of contaminants infecting you.

9. Sleep as much as you can
Resting and or sleeping is one of the most important things you can do for your body, period. Waking up early, “red-eye flights”, hauling luggage through airports, and crossing time zones can take a toll on your body. For this reason, you need to capitalize on what little sleep or rest you can get along the journey. It is one of the main reasons I encourage all travellers to pre-select their seats. The window seat is perfect for those who want to sleep without interruptions.
Additionally, when choosing your hotel, it is crucial to select one located in an area quiet at night (read reviews before booking). When booking your room, refuse a room close to the elevator, stairways, roadside traffic, and preferably one at the end of the corridor (I am usually this specific in my message to the hotel). Because when you do not get a good night’s sleep, it ruins your day, breaks down your immune system, and leaves you cranky and susceptible to viruses.
The best compact travel Camera, the Sony Alpha A6600 Mirrorless Camera, with 18-135mm Zoom Lens.
It is perfect for all travellers and photographers.
10. Disinfect your seat, meal tray, and armrest.
Pandemic or not, if you are travelling, it is of utmost importance to sanitize the space you will occupy on a plane. Do not assume it was properly cleaned or sanitized. Walk with your sanitary wipes and clean the seat, meal tray, and armrest for some level of protection and peace of mind.
11. Avoid (too much) Alcohol
Alcohol in moderation is not bad, but drinking too much is a serious problem. Not only is it dehydrating, but it affects your mental capacity and can impair your cognitive abilities. You want to be alert while travelling, so refuse some of the free drinks served onboard and or throughout your trip. It is better to do like me and refrain from having alcoholic beverages (unless it’s bedtime). Ha!
12. Avoid street food and eat in a restaurant
As I previously wrote in another article, food poisoning is a common and serious issue. Not all street vendors might have a food badge or sell in sanitary conditions. Besides, you do not know if the food has been out for hours or attracting flies. For this reason, it is safer to avoid all street food unless the locals give it a thumbs up. You can also observe if there is quick turn over of food sales, and the crowd before purchasing.

13. Do not skip Breakfast
I have had too many unpleasant experiences due to me skipping breakfast and going straight to lunch. It is never a good idea to skip breakfast. Even if you have to force yourself to eat or drink something hot in the morning. It is a must-do before heading out to start your day, considering that many health issues result from this poor practice.

14. Pack your vitamins and take them daily
When travelling, you will more than likely skip a meal or two (preferably not breakfast) or sometimes eat unhealthily. Because most foods we eat daily, do not have the recommended essential nutrients, so we must supplement them. Also, you will not get the healthier meal options you had back home. Therefore, you will need to take some vitamins to sustain yourself for the extra-curricular activities of your trip.
15. Choose to stay at an apartment instead of a hotel
During this pandemic, I think choosing an apartment instead of a hotel is a safer option and offers more privacy (see Booking.com for excellent options and 15% off). When you stay at a hotel, your room will be accessible to the room attendants. It means while servicing your room, they are touching your things and leaving their germs behind even after cleaning your room. At an apartment, you maintain it until you check out.
I prefer this option because it decreases interaction with people and less exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, if you must stay at a hotel, sanitize the room on arrival and every day after they service your room.
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16. Eat lots of fruits, avoid junk food and soda
Having fruits is always a healthy habit, more so now that we are in a health crisis. Fruits keep your body alkaline (sickness cannot infect or thrive in an alkaline body). The first thing I usually do after I get to my hotel is to visit a Vegemart for water and fresh fruits. Avoid junk food, sodas, salty, oily, and sugary foods. They burden your body and make it acidic (an acidic body is prone to sickness).

These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links to the products, information and suggested uses.
For MUST-READ BOOKS (#ad) Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who are looking to improve their life and personally grow and develop. (#ad) How to win friends and Influence people another self improvement and and social skills development read. (#ad) The Art of Travelling Alone For those who wish to learn how to save, plan, and travel alone on a budget. All offer an excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight. CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions
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17. Hydrate, hydrate, and rehydrate
For those who do not like to drink water, you need to change that unhealthy habit during your trip. You may not feel thirsty, but I can guarantee you will get dehydrated quickly whenever you fly. There are many health risks associated with dehydration. Besides dry skin and bad breath, you can suffer serious health risks like hypertension, urinary tract infection, seizures, constipation, etc. These can surely ruin your vacation. So, have a bottle of water with you at all times, and keep hydrated.
18. Travel with a First Aid kit
It is always a good idea to have the basics and essential items you will need while on vacation. During this pandemic, you need to prepare smartly. You can invest in a travel-size First Aid Kit from Amazon, if not, make your own with medical items you regularly use or may need in an emergency. (It is better to prepare and not need than to not prepare and need).
The best compact travel Camera, the Sony Alpha A6600 Mirrorless Camera, with 18-135mm Zoom Lens.
It is perfect for all travellers and photographers.
19. Do not drink tap water or use ice
When travelling outside your country, do not drink tap water, use ice or drinks made from crushed ice. I must reiterate, freezing water does not kill germs, microbes, and bacteria. If you must partake, take your steriPEN (it kills bacteria and germs in water). So take note and avoid the bellyache, dysentery, or worst and spend your vacation in the hospital.
20. Follow the COVID-19 Protocols
It is a pity we still have to follow these regulations two years into this pandemic. However, for your health and safety, follow all health protocols. Pack your disinfecting wipes, masks (preferably N95), alcohol-based sanitizer, etc. Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth (the entry points for the disease). Wash or disinfect your hands often. Remember, germs are everywhere, on planes, airports, public transport, and hotels. Therefore, take extra caution while on vacation so that you return COVID-19-free.

In Summary
Your health is your no. 1 priority. Guard and protect it always. Without good health, you have nothing. I hope you have learned at least one new tip from the 20 ways to remain healthy while travelling. It will surely help you better prepare for your next trip, so be safe on your vacation, and remember that there are many other diseases besides COVID-19 in circulation. Watch what you consume and to what you expose yourself. Do not be anxious or paranoid, so get out there, enjoy life, and have fun while being vigilant.
What do you do to remain healthy when travelling? Do you have additional tips or advice? Share those that worked for you in the comments below.
Also, please share this article with your contacts. It takes lots of time and effort to prepare and share such helpful information with you.
Safe Travels!!
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