We are all living the “new normal” stemming from the Novel coronavirus pandemic, and many people are finding themselves alone. This is due to social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine and or mandatory “lock-down” by authorities in most countries, to help “flatten the curve” and decrease the transmission risks of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all social beings and no matter the age group, we need to be interactive in some way with each other, however physical interactions are currently discouraged. Below I will explain what is meant by each term concerning the coronavirus and share 25 ways to cope alone during coronavirus lockdown..
Social Distancing
Social distancing means limiting and or curtailing close contact with EVERYONE. Avoiding groups or large gatherings, whether it be in a social setting, conducting business, etc. All are urged to practice social distancing and must stay at least 3 – 6 feet apart from each other. Unlike isolation and quarantine, which restricts your movement, social distancing deals with one’s behavioural practices of getting physically close to each other, (touching, kissing, shaking hands, etc).
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Self-isolation refers to someone alone in their own space or separated from everyone else. There are two groups of people who should practice self-isolation during this Novel coronavirus pandemic.
The first group is mainly for those who have travelled and returned to a country and must spend the required or mandatory 14 days alone. Whether they were physically in contact with someone with the COVID-19 disease or not, is not the issue. This is a precautionary measure in case they have contracted the disease, to avoid unknowingly spreading it, before symptoms develop and an official test is done.
The second group and most importantly are the elderly and immunocompromised. This group is most vulnerable to complications from the COVID-19 and it is of paramount importance that they self-isolate to avoid contracting the disease.

Someone under self-quarantined is one who was possibly exposed to COVID-19 and may not yet be symptomatic. They are then separated from everyone else due to mandatory self-quarantine (if they were exposed) or (voluntary self-isolation) if they choose to do so as a precautionary measure. This is usually done for 14 days, to avoid interacting with others who have been unexposed, and so avoiding ignorantly spreading the disease.
Your personal nebulizer/respirator is very important to help you breathe better, and can aid in so many ways during this time of worldwide pandemic. It is perfect for use at home or on the go.
A lockdown is a Government imposed restriction on the movement of people in a country. This enforcement is mandatory for all except workers in the Essential Services’ sector. It is for limited movement of people for essential commodities, like visits to the supermarket and pharmacies, etc.
The lockdown is not only restricted to people but also the borders (airports and seaports), closure of bars, restaurants, beaches, etc. To curb the spread of the disease, these public health measures aid in the non-transmission of the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Avoiding Stress & Mental Health Issues
Loneliness and isolation can be more deadly than the coronavirus itself, if not properly managed. The sad state of affair is that the elderly are the ones most affected by isolation and crave the much-needed companionship. The elderly fall in the most “at-risk” group, so they need to be protected and isolated urgently.
As previously mentioned, besides the elderly, the immunocompromised are most vulnerable and susceptible to the coronavirus and need constant care and contact. However, the healthier, younger ones who can physically and emotionally support them, must stay away so as not to expose them to the disease. Simple and basic interactions must be curtailed, like family visits, church assembly or family dinners, etc.

Mental health can be affected due to prolonged loneliness and people can move from good mental health to a state of mental illness, due to anxiety and stress. Potential and actual job loss can also lead to even more stress, depression, and anxiety, this can weaken your immune system, rendering you more vulnerable to the disease. Taking care of your mental health is paramount to your overall general good health, and especially in keeping your immune system strong and robust.
Find Healthy Distractions
The withdrawal from normal activities and socializing to isolation is a drastic change and can be a very depressing issue to handle. Healthy distractions can be a way to ease into this new way of living or the “new normal” and a solid way of connecting socially with others virtually, without physical interactions.
Social distancing does not mean social disconnection, we all need to and can find ways to stay connected with friends and family during this pandemic. This is when we need to be strong and supportive and draw strength from each other, by any electronic means.
Alone During the Coronavirus Lock-down
Being alone sucks, especially if you are unaccustomed to it. I have been self-isolating more or less for many years, so I am not too overly affected by this lock-down and self-isolation orders. I am always busy, between my projects and juggling chats with friends around the world, I have no time to be bored.
However, what is the major problem for me and others? the stress due to the uncertainty of this Novel coronavirus pandemic and the overall measures we need to take to protect ourselves from contracting it.
Aloneness doesn’t necessarily mean you are lonely and or bored, if you know how to use your time wisely and constructively. There can be some positives, being alone during this time of the coronavirus pandemic such as:
- You are less exposed to the disease, as more people in your home means more exposure.
- Solitude is not loneliness, some people living with others are feeling crowded and overwhelmed at this time. Spending so much time in a house 24/7 with spouse or family members, without the much need quiet time and space can cause conflicts.
- Many relationships between couples are being tested during this period. Those already on “shaky grounds” could lead to resentment and break-ups. It can be depressing if you are in a relationship, in confinement (with no “breathing” space), this can leave you feeling lonely and trapped with no peer support and no avenue out of it.

I will share some tried and true ideas and tips that work, and will have you stress-free and recognizing this time alone, as an opportunity to grow on so many levels and ways.
Of the suggestions below, I am currently doing some or have done 90% of them. I can guarantee if you try a few, you will see how quickly your day goes by without spare time to feel bored, lonely or depressed. So, here are 25 ways to cope alone during coronavirus lockdown.
This book offers effective and proven strategies to help manage anxiety esp. during this period when so many people are alone anxious and stressed.
For those trying to cope with their emotions and anxiety, this workbook can reduce anxiety quickly, with Be Calm: Proven Techniques to Stop Anxiety Now and always prepared.
Below is an excerpt from the book “End of Days”, written by Sylvia Browne (New York Times #1 bestselling author) in 2008. This excerpt caused quite a stir worldwide.
“In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments”

Sylvia Browne was a psychic and have written many books. through the myriad prediction and prophecies about the end of the world. You can intrigue yourself by reading her book from your kindle to see what else she has revealed in the book “END OF DAYS”.
25 Ways to Cope alone during Coronavirus Lockdown
- Reconnect/connect with friends and family, virtually or electronically. This will aid in some sort of comfort and support, even though it may be long-distance. Just knowing you have people who are there for you and care, even if it’s just a phone call, can help in some way.
- Disconnect from the coronavirus updates, the social media videos, and postings, the major television news, all are running and looping coronavirus news almost all day. Take a break from all forms of information regarding coronavirus/COVID-19. Give your brain and heart a rest from this heavy depressing news for a day.
- For the travel addicts like myself, I will advise you to go online and look at your intended dream spots or bucket list countries. Start planning your vacation for when the coronavirus crisis is over (however long it may take). By doing this you not only shut off the pandemic stress but also excite yourself and would have done the groundwork early. This will give you a sense of hope and something to look forward to, no matter how grim it may look presently.
- Cheer up someone else, reach out to another single person like yourself, (preferably a single elderly person) whether it may be via a phone call or a video call. By doing this, you not only bring cheer to this person, but you also help yourself feel less bored.
- Adopt a pet today, many animal shelters have been pleading for homes for many abandoned animals, so, why not share your home with a dog or cat? You will have a new friend/companion and the animals will be happy to have a new home, it’s a win-win situation.

- Get into the habit of reading, you cannot look at the television all day, so set your imagination and spirit free with a good book. Whether it may be an eBook or one of my other highly inspirational and enticing recommended books, reading takes your mind off the current situation.
- Start/build a blog/website, if you are passionate about gardening, travel, animals, cooking, etc. Start writing about your passion and share your ideas, and tips and encourage and motivate others.
- you can monetize your blog/website, using hosting from Bluehost, built with WordPress (look at my website, built by myself and see the possibilities using hosting from Bluehost). You have the time now and can put it to productive use, building something exciting.
- Be a good Samaritan, many children are currently home at this time, you can babysit for those parents who may be essential workers. If you do not wish for physical interaction, you can provide meals for the children at home in your building or next door. You can also provide meals for one of your elderly neighbors who live alone or even street dwellers in your area.
- Play online games, there are many popular games online you can play alone or with people half-way around the world. Download some and keep your brain cells active and challenge your intellect and skills with some of the brain teasers.
- Start/maintain an exercise regime, this is especially for those who were regular at the gym, had a very active job and are now laid off, or you had no time to exercise previously. Take this time now to make a schedule and stick with it. With this extra time at home, most people will gain weight due to inactivity so this is a must, not only to keep you in shape but to keep the blood circulating and a healthy heart.
- a simple trick is keeping some dumbbells in the room of your home where you spend the most time. Whether it may be your T.V. room, kitchen or bedroom, do some simple exercises in between advertisements, etc. For me, I keep them in the kitchen, in between meal preparation you can do some weight lifting or even some wall or counter top push-ups. Some small amount of reps daily is better than nothing at all.

- Write a pre/current/post Quarantine Journal, for some strange reason, putting pen to paper has some therapeutic effects, over typing. Do some much-needed therapy and write down all your previous plans before this crisis, your current situation, and plans after the crisis is over. Take it slow and write a bit each day in your quiet moments.
- Clean, re-organize and de-clutter your home, get rid of all the broken items or outdated clothes, etc. Move around the furniture and reorganize them to change the chi and ambience in the rooms. There isn’t a lighter feeling in the world like a freshly cleaned and de-cluttered home. This will keep you busy, burn some calories and gives you a feel-good feeling of accomplishment at the end.
- Do a post quarantine to-do or bucket list, this list will have itemized things (like a country to visit, new hobbies, etc.) you wish to do as soon as the coronavirus pandemic is over, and it is safe to venture out once again. This will give some hope and a positive outlook for the future.
- Help the less-fortunate, you may be one of those persons who bought more masks, gloves, sanitizers or grocery items than you needed. Help someone else in your area, (without directly interacting with them). One suggestion is maybe placing a table with a sign saying “take any item you need” in front of your home with items you are sure someone else may need. This can bring some financial relief and joy to someone else who is in need.
- Reconnect/get closer to your God, for those who have never or insufficiently read the Holy Bible, the Qur’an, the Vedas or any other holy books. Now is the time to reach out for the much-needed strength, draw closer to God and acquire knowledge and blessings from the holy book. This is a great way to de-stress and bring some comfort to the mind and spirit in this testing period.

- Do an online course, learn a new skill or language. For those who love reading, travelling or plan to visit a country that speaks a different language, after this crisis. It’s a good idea to learn the basics and a few phrases in that country’s language, or learn a 2nd language just for the fun of it. There are also many online short-term courses on a subject area of your interest, why not do some research and continue to educate yourself or just learn something new today, like how to do simple painting or plumbing in your home.
- Learn to bit tech-savvy, this is mainly for the older folks who may not know how to use the computer, a smartphone or internet well. This is a time you cannot see your loved ones or your friends in person. Therefore, you can learn how to use your phone or computer to Skype, FaceTime or video chat or one of many online applications that facilitates video chatting. This will aid in some sort of virtual interaction with loved ones.
- Coordinate your daily routine activities with a friend or family member virtually. Plan your meal times, movie nights, cooking or exercise period with friends or family, via video chats. This way its more fun, interesting and you will feel like you have the much-needed company and support.
- Sleep as late as you like and the same goes for going to bed at nights, just do as you please if it makes you happy. Forget the status quo about what time you should go to bed nightly or how early you should get out of bed in the morning. Just try to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep daily (a good night’s sleep will strengthen your immune system) and forget about time management in this regard.
- point to note, the later you get out of bed the shorter your day will appear to be, by the time you get through your chores. This means less time for feeling bored and lonely.
- Do an impactful home project that might bring a smile to the faces of your friends or family. Many YouTube videos show how easy it is to make beautiful reusable masks, that are just as effective as other disposable masks. Why not make some masks with materials you may have at home and surprise them and at the same time feel a sense of productivity and accomplishment.

- Netflix is your friend, for those who love looking at television or curling up in bed with their iPad/tablet. Spend your time binge-watching your favourite shows with no guilt, this time is all about you and getting through this “new normal” without feeling bored, stressed or depressed.
- Join and participate in a social group chat forum, whatever may be your area of interest, expertise or hobby. There are many groups on Facebook or WhatsApp etc. that you can join and get interactive. Many topics are posted and discussed throughout the day, you can get involved and share your thoughts, ideas, and expertise on these posts and topics.
- Play “brainteasers” or stress-relieving games that will challenge you and “tax” your brain. Some games like chess, trivia, solitaire, crossword puzzles, will keep you mentally engaged for hours. Adult colouring books are a big comeback recently, and touted as a very relaxing and stimulating activity.
- Do some gardening, whether it may be in the back yard or in pots on your balcony, there is nothing as fulfilling as seeing something you have planted, growing and thriving beautifully. Just tending to the plants daily gives a sense of relaxation and fruitfulness.
- Learn to bake or cook and it doesn’t have to be something fancy, it can be as simple as cookies. It may be surprising to some, but I have seen men baking cakes and bread and posting pictures online, since the commencement of the lockdown period. Google some recipes and get busy in the kitchen, if you don’t know how to do both already. If you are somewhat good at this then learn how to bake or cook something even more difficult and exotic.

These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links to the products and information and suggested uses .
For MUST-READ BOOKS Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who are looking to improve their life and personally grow and develop. How to win friends and Influence people (#Ad) another self improvement and and social skills development read (excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight) or during your free time. CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions
We are All in This Together
This is a very humbling and vulnerable time for everyone worldwide. It’s a time when we need each other physically and emotionally more than ever before, but the irony is we must do it from a distance without physical contact.
Mentally, there is a big difference when you know you have freedom of movement but choose to isolate. However, when your freedom is curtailed, you are forced to isolate, and people will naturally feel trapped, helpless, anxious and mentally stressed, whilst being rightfully nervous about the pandemic.
So, for the go-getters, travellers, and socialites who are always on the move, look at this as an opportunity to slow down and get to know yourselves and those around you better and find new goals.

For those who have been suddenly isolated, I empathize and sympathize with you. It will be much more difficult to live in isolation especially if you are accustomed to being surrounded by lots of people.
Remember, you are not alone in this, glean strength from others knowing that many others are in the same predicament as you. Use this time for prayer, enlightenment, self- improvement and try some of the tips mentioned in the list of (25 ways to cope alone during coronavirus lockdown) to be able to better cope.
Share with me some of your coping tips that works best for you, and get you through this trying time.
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