How to combat post-vacation Blues/Depression
Vacation’s over and Depression takes Over
How to combat post-vacation Blues/Depression
How to combat post-vacation Blues/Depression
People let’s be real!! for a person who loves to travel, there is nothing more depressing than when your vacation is about to end or has just ended and you must return home. It’s such a bitter-sweet feeling, “you are down to the end of the lollipop and the inedible, stick is all that remains”. You must face the reality of going back to your home, workplace, maybe crazy family life and or a boring/hectic routine, you refer to as your LIFE!! I will therefore, share with you some ways, to combat your post-vacation blues/depression.
- ixpand Flash Drive, All your vacation photos/videos stored safely from your Ipad/Iphone, Android and laptop on one must have gadget – the expandable storage Ixpand Flash drive. (can be use on all 3 devices).
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The few good things to look forward to when returning Home
If you are one of those people who are excited to get back home after a vacation then you are weird, seriously, that’s just my view. I have not met such a person yet in all my travels. Maybe you just went on a quick getaway and have pets or children awaiting you at home. Then, this may be, understandable, somewhat.
For me, there are only 3 good reasons I may feel comforted to get back home from vacation.
- To use my bathroom once again (everyone knows there is only one happy throne…and it’s at home, lol).
- Once again, sleep in my bed, (there is no sweeter sleep than in your bed).
- Nothing like enjoying a home-cooked meal.
That’s it…short and sweet!! There are no other good reasons for returning home from a vacation…except for the fact that you are home safely.

The Post-vacation Blues of a Traveller
At the airport awaiting your flight back to your country, the weight of sadness begins to take hold of you, as a matter of fact, the day before when you are re-packing, the self-pity and “I wish life was different” thoughts swirl in your head. “Why the hell am I not rich, so I can travel non-stop!?” why do I have to go homeee??!!. Yes!! we all whine internally. The flight home is the most depressing and least fun thing to do, it is never an enjoyable ride at all. No matter how short the flight might be it feels like a very long and dreary ride back to reality.
In my case, as the plane lands, there is never any haste to get off the plane. As I walk towards baggage collection, on seeing other passengers going the opposite way to get their flights, I think to myself ..look at these lucky bastards!!! Lol. As far as I see it, this is part of the package that comes with travelling. Its how you cope and deal with it that matters most.
If you are somewhat like me, you will return from your vacation a bit slimmer and more tired and irritated than when I left, this is due to all the exploring I do on my vacations. If your flight is a long one back to your country, then its likely jetlag is going to set in, and you will be tired and irritated when you arrive home.

Things to do immediately on return from your vacation
- Check your Credit card and Bank statement online (if you have online access).
- Deal with emails esp. the important ones that need immediate attention.
- Check your phone for important messages or voice mails, then turn your phone off or on silent (to screen your calls), you need the time for yourself.
- Take care of you and only you.
- Re-acclimatize yourself to your time zone. If you arrive in the day, whether you were in a different time zone or not, (if you arrive in the day, do not sleep until night, if night then try to get some sleep).
- Put your feet up and relax. This is because you took the necessary steps to plan your vacation well before leaving, you have returned to a clean and clutter-free house with groceries.

10 Things to Combat the Post-Vacation Blues
Post vacation blues leading to depression is a very real and serious issue that many travellers around the world experience. However, we all must find ways to combat this issue, and recover quickly, and move on with your life. Here are 10 things you can do to:
- Return at least 2 days early before going back out to work, you need this time to re-settle your nerves and have some much-needed alone time.
- Focus on the great vacation you had and had the opportunity to travel. Also, the new acquaintances you have made. This will push the vacation blues away, somewhat.
- Psyche up yourself for what is waiting for you back in the office, this is part of your reality check.
- Know that not everyone will empathize or sympathize with your post-vacation stress/blues. Many will look at you with some sort of disdain because they want to travel too but can’t.
- Buy or cook (if you have the energy) your favorite, comfort meal, it will bring back welcoming feeling to you, (on my flight back home I am always thinking of Fish Broth. It is my comfort food, it helps).
- Re-live your vacation by writing your reviews of hotels, sites, airlines and restaurants on Trip Advisor (if you have an account or join) while the memories are still fresh.
- Review your vacation photos and reminisce or share them on your favorite social site.
- Link up or chat with your new acquaintances who may help you take your mind off your post-vacation blues.
- Get back online, visit Google (for countries safety checks), Trip Advisor and (#Ad) and start looking and comparing prices for some new potential destinations to visit ..yes you heard me right!! This should have been my no.1 suggestion because it does help. Even if you know you cannot afford another vacation any time soon. Try it…trust me it works wonders. It gives you a sort of hope for the future and something to focus on and work towards in the future.
- Place your vacation souvenirs where they can be most visible to you, to hold on to the memories of your vacation.

With these 10 steps, you will be back to normal, within a week. I hope this post was helpful in some way as to how to combat post-vacation blues/depression.
I want to hear from those of you, WHO LOVE TO TRAVEL, and can identify with what I wrote. I would love to hear more so from those who are excited to get back home after a vacation. Leave your experiences in the comments below.
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