What do you do when you cannot fulfil your wanderlust due to COVID-19 restrictions? Nothing but to reminisce about the excellent times you’ve had in your previous travels. The inspirational and beautiful places traversed, the foods, cultures, and peoples encountered. All this keeps the memories and hopes alive for a resumption of travel soon. In this article, I will share my top 10 favourite travel destinations and why I choose them. I will also share all the other components that made my trips memorable, from the 60+ countries I have visited.
We all have planned vacations or business trips and know the drill of successfully executing them. However, this time we will have to do so with added cautious measures. Here are some steps and guidelines to follow when planning to travel during COVID-19.
The coronavirus, now declared a pandemic, is a big disruption to my travel plans! This is how I honestly see this “disease”. I am part of many social media travel groups and it appears that lots of these “travel addicts” are not one bit phased by the threat of the novel coronavirus nor flight disruptions. I am here to discuss the overall subject, Coronavirus scare – travel or not to travel, and to share some other useful tips and hints regarding the novel coronavirus.
My holiday “explorations” have finally ended (sadly so) and as promised, I am here to give a detailed review of flying economy class with Qatar Airways – the world’s no.1 airline and voted best airlines for another year in 2019.
The Caribbean SoloTraveller First birthday away from Home
It’s a new day and I am happy to be alive. Today is all about CoraDexplorer, the blogger/travel writer. Thanking God for life and for blessings to see another birthday. I am over-joyed to have and continue to experience the world, its cultures, it’s peoples’ and some of the best ice creams too. What better way to celebrate my birthday but in Rome, Italy, the most beautiful city in the world (according to the survey).
A country with riches but unfriendly, impolite people is a huge turn-off. For me what makes a country beautiful and great is its people. It helps if it also has yummy ice cream and tasty fish lol (that’s just me). Wealth, beautiful sceneries and aesthetically appealing are all nice, however, if your people are unfriendly, impolite and or racial, then there is no connection or yearning to ever return or to even talk much about it. I will share with you the two most warm-hearted countries I have ever visited.
Being a black female solo traveller in Europe can bring you lots of good and bad attention from the airports to the streets. From both males and females, especially when travelling alone. I meet women sometimes, who will walk up to me and compliment me on my hair (if I am wearing the African braids), my skin colour, etc. The men most times see you as an “unfamiliar species” and want to be the first to “get to know you better”. I will share some views and tales of a black female solo traveller in Europe.
Nb. Countries featured in this post are some of the friendliest and most welcoming countries visited as a black woman). See my Destination page for full reviews and more photos.
BREXIT/ETIAS COUNTOWN – Now is the time to Plan & Travel to Europe
Many countries in the Caribbean, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East and even the United Kingdom (not part of Schengen zone), do not need a Schengen Visa to travel to the European zone. We currently enjoy the privilege of visiting these countries visa-free. Soon, this will change after BREXIT, whether there is a Deal or No Deal BREXIT. What approaches very quickly is BREXIT and ETIAS 2021, continue reading and I will explain.
Recently on my way back from Moscow airport, connecting in Frankfurt airport, Germany, I had the most displeasing encounter with a female T.S.A officer at Frankfurt airport. In all my years of travel I have never had such inappropriate “pat down” in any other of the 60+ airports and destinationsI have traversed.
Firstly, I must tell you that Frankfurt airport is an aesthetically nice airport but disgustingly huge. You better be armed with flip flops or a comfy pair of shoes to get from one gate to the next. If you are on a connecting flight and has less than 1 hour to do so, then it is real possibility you may miss your flight.