Any flight over 6 hours is a long-haul flight. I also consider consecutive flights needed to get to your destination as long-haul flights. People like myself, who like to travel to remote countries, know how gruelling these actual flights can be. You are sitting on a plane for as much as 16 hours, and sometimes; you are not even halfway to your vacation spot. We all need to not merely survive but enjoy the journey, no matter how long it might be. So one needs to prepare even more so for such flights. Therefore, I will share some tips on how to prepare and survive a long-haul flight.
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Preparing for a long-haul flight takes meticulous planning and preparation before flying. Even more so during this Covid-19 pandemic. Generally, a long-haul flight can be one long flight or many connecting flights to get to your destination. It can take days and several long-haul flights to get to some destinations. For example, from the Caribbean to Asia, set aside two days and Africa three days (both one way) for the journey. Here are some ways you can prepare for your flights beforehand;
1. Reserve/pre-select your seat choice, even if you have to pay for it. Convenient seating is my number one recommendation. Most people prefer the aisle seat or the window seats for different reasons. The aisle for easy washroom access without disturbing anyone else. On the other hand, the window seat guarantees you will be unbothered when anyone needs to get in or out of their seats for whatever reason, and uninterrupted sleep.
In reality, no one wants to be seated in the middle seat on any flight. The window seat is the only option for me. It matters not whether long or short flights. I dislike both the middle and aisle seat. Additionally, it must be in the middle of the plane over the wing (for less turbulence). For those who do not sleep during flights, cannot sit still for long, or have urinary incontinence issues, the aisle seat will be perfect for you. This way you avoid frequently disturbing other passengers.

What you should consider/know before choosing your seat
- Avoid the areas with the bassinets. On many long-haul flights, especially on big airlines, bassinets are provided for children too young to be assigned a seat. They also make provision for seats close to the washrooms. These seats have more legroom because there are no rows of seats in front of them. It is even-more so a valid reason to choose your seat and location. You do not want to be in these rows or seated close to them. Whether you love children or not, the constant fidgeting and crying of children in a confined space can frustrate anyone who is already tired and irritable.
- Keep your family/friends together by pre-selecting seats in the same row when buying the tickets. If you don’t, you might have to ask other passengers (like I have seen frequently) to switch seats so you can sit together. Remember, airlines are not obligated to seat you and your families or groups together.
- Avoid the seats near the Washroom, they usually have non-stop traffic and sometimes lines. They can be smelly too, especially every time someone enters or exits the WC.
- The back areas/seats of the planes are not the best because of the constant noise in this “kitchen area” and the chatting of the flight attendants prepping meals. Also, at the back of the plane, you feel the most turbulence. Not forgetting you are last to be served and last to leave the airplane as well.
- Prevent nervousness at check-in. Many times you feel anxious if you did not web check-in. Therefore you try to get to check-in counter early. Why? To beg (in the sweetest voice) for your favorite seat because, for whatever reason, you did not pre-book a seat. So to avoid all this, do so in advance and relax.

2. Power up your devices, which includes your iPad/iPod, tablet, phones, (#ad) camera, and especially your power banks before your flight. There is only one charging port for each seat on big airlines (none on small airlines). So, be sure that you recharge your gadgets because you might need them during or after your flight.
3. Wear comfortable clothes. Forget style and focus on comfy, non-fussy garments. Super tight clothes that feel like they are cutting off your circulation is a no-no. Deep vein thrombosis is an actual condition that can affect you, especially at such high altitudes. Besides, trying to relax and sleep in a confined economy seat in tight jeans or a super-tight shirt is no fun. It is better to wear breathable, belt-free garments that move with your body. Also, avoid white and other light-colored garments that may soil quickly. You never know what accidental spills or mishaps might occur, causing you to look untidy and unkempt. The journey is long and you might have to be in the same outfit for more than a day.
4. Prepare to sleep on board. Some people fall asleep on short-haul flights (under 3 hours) and medium-haul flights (between 3 – 6 hours), so imagine the longer flights. Bring your onboard comfort and sleep aids/relaxers (such as melatonin), neck pillow, sleep/eye mask, (#ad) hoodie, a blanket, and earplugs (some airlines provide some of these).

5. Take your favorite healthy snacks with you because many airlines may not serve what you like. Besides this, you will spend lots of time at one or more airports and need some of your favorite comfort snacks. Remember, airport snacks are super expensive and are mainly salty or sugary junk.
6. Bring your entertainment. Whether it’s your (#ad) favorite travel essential book, a novel, or your religious book, they are all excellent choices. Reading helps the time to pass quickly. If you are into gaming, then bring games both digital and otherwise. Music lovers like myself do not fly without our (#ad) iPods to listen to our favorite music.
7. Take your own headset, especially during this pandemic. Many of the big airlines provide headsets which are then sanitized and reused by other passengers. It is best and safer to travel with your own. A (#ad) noise cancelling headphone will be an enormous asset as well.
8. Choose your airline wisely, one with a record of being punctual and reliable. (see flying in economy with Qatar Airways). You don’t want to use an airline with a history of flight cancellations or late arrivals and departures.That can mess up your connecting flights, causing you to spend on new tickets, accommodation, or long layovers at airports.
9. Have a hygiene bag with you (toothpaste, feminine wipes, antiseptic wipes, and deodorant). Remember, you need to look, feel, smell, and be presentable at all times as if your journey has just begun. You will have to interact with other passengers, Customs, T.S.A., restaurant staff, etc., throughout your journey. Especially if it will take several flights or days to arrive at your eventual destination. On long-haul flights, the big airlines like (#ad) Qatar Airways and many other airlines provide hygiene bags with all your necessities.
10. No tight flight connections, even if it is with the same airline. Worrying or panicking, you might miss your connecting flight because the airline departed late is nerve-wrecking and can spoil the enjoyment of your flight. In my early travels, I have been there and done that. I have also literally had to pay the price difference for a flight at a later time, buy new tickets and or miss a connecting flight on a different airline.
It is true some connecting flights with shorter connection times can be cheaper overall. However, it is safer to leave a minimum of 3 to 5 hours between flights when transiting through big airports where it can take as much as an hour to get from one gate to the next. Many airlines will not wait for you even if you are connecting with them, and they are the reason for your lateness.
11. Book Business class if you can afford it. It is the preferable way to fly, especially on long-haul flights. You can sleep for the entire journey and wake up fresh on arrival at your destination. The amenities such as extra legroom, privacy, flatbeds, and other extra-special amenities are worth the peace, comfort, and stress-free experience.

As previously mentioned, it is not an easy feat mentally and physically to sit on any airline for many hours or more than half-day, far-less in economy class seats. Learning not only how to survive and cope but also how to enjoy a long-haul flight can help to keep you stress-free and happy. Here are some survival and coping tips to help you enjoy the journey on board, (especially if it’s your first time).
1. Grease your nostrils. I know I am regurgitating this for maybe the 100th time, but this is my no.1 suggestion, and this hack truly works. With decreased atmospheric and cabin pressure, the air inside the plane becomes super dry, so does your entire body (both inside and outer). As previously explained, when the back of your nostrils dries out, they crack. Consequently, all the germs circulating in the plane from the coughs, sneezes, washroom residues, etc., enter and infect you.
Therefore, when you are in a confined space with little or no ventilation, greasing (with Petroleum jelly/Vaseline, not lotion) inside your nose keeps it moist and prevents cracking. Of course, wipe it out and reapply a fresh coat after six or more hours (it will amaze you to see the gunk trapped there). This trick has worked for me for many years.
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It is perfect for all travellers and photographers.
2. Stay hydrated. You will need lots of water to stay hydrated, both on the plane and at airports. However, because Customs check will disallow you from passing through with water, prepare to buy the expensive water in the duty-free shops a few times. For those on a budget with no “tap water hangups”, take an empty bottle and fill it with tap water at the airport. Additionally, try having other drinks with electrolytes in them. Gatorade is an excellent choice, and any natural drink such as coconut water is equally good or better. Remember, the atmosphere in an airline is dryer than in a desert, so you need to take care of your health, especially on these long flights.
3. Wear your (#ad) compression socks or stockings and help prevent DVT (deep vein thrombosis). A blood clot is a risk faced by those who are immobile for long periods. Sitting on a plane for many hours without moving is not ideal for blood circulation. Compression socks or stockings help the blood circulate even when you are not moving. They also double as feet warmers because it gets freezing at high altitudes.
4. Avoid alcoholic drinks especially if you are not accustomed to drinking alcohol. This is one thing I always avoid, no matter how much free wines and liqueurs they serve, I always abstain. Not only am I worried about headaches and dehydration (which are side effects of alcohol). I also want to keep a clear head at all times.

5. Take your baby aspirin (if you are not allergic). Not only do you keep tension headaches away, but perfect at preventing blood clots (consult your doctor before if you are using blood thinners). It is an excellent substitute for compression socks.
Are there any alternatives to aspirin and compression socks? Yes, here are a few exercises you can do while sitting.
- flex and wiggle your toes
- no crossing of the legs
- ankle twists (lift both feet and try to make half circles, left and right)
- toes lift (feet flat and try to use your heels to lift the toes only and back)
- tense and stretch your legs and calves under the seat
- knee lifts (try to get each knee as high towards your chest, hold leg for a minute, and back down)
- leg swings (lift legs off the floor, swing them left and right, open and close, and up and down as far as legroom permits).
6. Ladies go easy with the makeup but moisturize your face/skin often (men moisturize too). It makes no sense applying or going heavy on your makeup only to sleep for most of the flight. Besides, your sleep masks and now your Covid-19 masks will smudge it. In most cases, these long-haul flights end with you having to wash your face, brush your teeth, and reapply your makeup before your next flight or going to your hotel.
These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links to the products, information and suggested uses.
For MUST-READ BOOKS (#ad) Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who are looking to improve their life and personally grow and develop. (#ad) How to win friends and Influence people another self improvement and and social skills development read. (#ad) The Art of Travelling Alone For those who wish to learn how to save, plan, and travel alone on a budget. All offer an excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight. CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions
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7. Make friends with your seatmates or at least be cordial, sensitive, and respectful to them because you are all in it together. DO NOT HOG the armrests nor recline your seat throughout the entire flight. Remember, economy seats have limited legroom, and this is inconsiderate to the person in the seat next to or behind you.
I have experienced good flight etiquette camaraderie with total strangers on long flights. They will alert you (if you are sleeping) when meals are being served or even accept your meals on your behalf and vice versa. That is because many airlines will not disturb you if they see your eyes closed when meals are being served and will not return with a meal if you awake after the completion of meal service.
8. Move around/exercise on the plane every few hours to keep your blood circulating. Simply walking up and down the airplane or stretching and squatting is perfect. (The back of the airplane or close to the WC usually has ample space for exercising). It’s all about keeping your health optimal while onboard, especially for those flights that are more than half a day.
9. Chew gum to avoid ear pop on the ascent (take-offs) and decent (landings) because of a drop in cabin air pressure. Long-haul flights are at higher altitudes, therefore a higher buildup of air pressure. As a result, many people suffer from ear problems or temporary deafness after disembarking the plane. Some suffer from earaches or ruptured eardrums. For those who do not have or chew gum, then try swallowing frequently. Something else that works is holding your nose, close your mouth, and pretend to blow air through your mouth.
The best compact travel Camera, the Sony Alpha A6600 Mirrorless Camera, with 18-135mm Zoom Lens.
It is perfect for all travellers and photographers.
10. Use Eye drops. The dryness of the air on planes not only dries your skin but your eyes as well. On these “red-eye flights” severe dry eyes can lead to inflammation, infection, and cornea abrasion. Eye drops will not only keep your eyes moisturized but also looking fresh. Not red and tired from lack of sleep.
11. Do not forget to wear your mask properly. It is for extra protection during the Covid-19 pandemic. For some, wearing a mask for such a long time might be uncomfortable and restrictive. On the other hand, it is a norm for others because they have been doing so for many years.
I remember my first trip to Asia five years ago, I observed many people on the plane wearing masks for more than 14 hours from/to New York. So on my return flight and 2nd trip to Asia, I decided to do the same. It never bothered me. The bottom line is, it’s all about safety and protection, when you are in a confined, unventilated space for an extended period. So remember to get the most comfortably fitting mask and one that offers the most protection.

Relax and Enjoy the Flight
Now that you have received pertinent information on how to prepare and survive a long-haul flight. You can now better prepare for your long-haul flights, especially if it is your first one. If you need more travel information before taking off, see 10 things you should do before your flight, or any other travel tips, please check my travel blogs. I hope you find this article helpful! Enjoy your flight.
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