Recently on my way back from Moscow airport, connecting in Frankfurt airport, Germany, I had the most displeasing encounter with a female T.S.A officer at Frankfurt airport. In all my years of travel I have never had such inappropriate “pat down” in any other of the 60+ airports and destinations I have traversed.
Firstly, I must tell you that Frankfurt airport is an aesthetically nice airport but disgustingly huge. You better be armed with flip flops or a comfy pair of shoes to get from one gate to the next. If you are on a connecting flight and has less than 1 hour to do so, then it is real possibility you may miss your flight.
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It’s is not as simple as turning left or right here as in some airports and walk to your gate and wait, No! ”YOU BETTER PACK A SNACK” because at the end of the walk (or more like speed walking) you get to stand in the longest flight connecting line I have ever encountered. That was for another 40 minutes or so…(it seemed as though there is one line for everyone, no special line for connecting or original departures from Frankfurt).
This is the line for T.S.A check, at this stage you are likely to be a bit sweaty, tired and hungry. Might I add forget the liquid over 3 oz you may have bought in the previous duty free. it’s as good as confiscated.

It’s is not as simple as turning left or right here as in some airports and walk to your gate and wait, No! ”YOU BETTER PACK A SNACK” because at the end of the walk (or more like speed walking) you get to stand in the longest flight connecting line I have ever encountered. That was for another 40 minutes or so…(it seemed as though there is one line for everyone, no special line for connecting or original departures from Frankfurt).
This is the line for T.S.A check, at this stage you are likely to be a bit sweaty, tired and hungry. Might I add forget the liquid over 3 oz you may have bought in the previous duty free. it’s as good as confiscated.
My misfortune started when, 1. I went in the wrong connecting line, they are all labelled A B C etc, you look at your ticket and you know which line to go. I went in line B instead of C, not knowing the flight was delayed, and they changed the gate. I had to go through the full body machine (these machine I hate as I think they expose you to radiation).
Anyway, I did the whole check through, then simple “pat down” by the female T.S.A officer who then looked at my boarding pass and informed me me that I was in the wrong line. I needed to go to gate “C” which was another long walk. I then discovered I was not alone in this ordeal.
I was now joined by a Russian lady I had previously met on the Lufthansa flight, she was also connecting to JFK Airport. We almost started running to gate C, when we got there, to our horror, another line up with same search procedure. I approached one of the officers and asked if we had to go through this check again because we went through the one at B, she said yes.
So, I lined up second time and went through a second body machine. After exiting this machine, then approached the female T.S.A “Fondle and Squeeze up” Officer.
As we all know in most airports you may or may not get a pat down after these machines, if you do, the pat down is with moderate pressure. Well this female officer was only to eager to do her deep body massage “search” on me. Before I continue, I must point out I was wearing a long sleeve, skin tight, fitted blouse. It was so, fitted, it was like a second skin, my skirt was also close fitted to my knees. Therefore, there was no possible way anything could have been hidden inside my clothes.
I digressed, the officer then ordered me to put both arms straight out, east and west then she started with her deep massage from my back, neck down. So deep was this so called “pat down” that she was touching my bones. Seriously!! I am not a skinny person, and I felt her fingers deep in my muscles, she went down my back over my butt, down my legs to my socks, at this point I am wondering why even touch my legs and I’m wearing a skirt?!!
At this point I’m feeling so violated, that my arms were dropping to my sides. The officer then warned me to keep my hands out and then she did the same down my chest. I felt uncomfortable and bit ticklish at the same time. I was squirming a bit, and she stopped the second time to warn me that, if I don’t stand straight she will,..and I quote “ma’am I will take you to another room and take off your clothes and search you“.
I became as stiff as board because 1. I was worried that would take time and I would miss my flight, 2. I never had a naked body search since I have been travelling and didn’t wish for one that day.

All tickles went away immediately. Hands out stretched once again then her hands were up under my blouse, she then lifted my bra and cupped my boobs. Talk about feeling violated and dirty, she then told me step forward (one foot in front the other) then and her both hand under my skirt, touching both legs and even cupped and squeezed my butt. This ordeal was sexual touching and bordered on sexual harassment disguised as a search.
What was the weirdest thing in this whole scenario, was the male officer leaning there and watching everything and with a wry smile and hint of contentment on his face. Was this man enjoying this? I was so upset after this I kept grumbling that this happened because I am black. I honestly was thinking this.
However, after the white Russian lady was finished and was picking up her bags she was complaining also and felt so violated. Additionally, she asked if I didn’t see the male officer mannerism, he was looking on and enjoying us being searched. After this ordeal, I used my hand sanitizer all over my body. This was because the officer used the same gloves on every female passenger before and after me.
When this ordeal was over, the Russian lady and I sat waiting for our connecting flight and this was our main topic. It really left us somewhat disgusted and traumatized.
What procedure is this that at Frankfurt Airport, Germany? A woman’s right is so violated, this type of search cannot be done in a room or behind a partition? Why do this with everyone looking on both men and women? What gives airport the right to disrespect women in such a way in a public space because we are merely passing through your airport? Do you think because it’s a FEMALE officer doing this to another woman it makes it right!??!!
Share your experiences, comments and feedback with me as to if you have ever been through such an ordeal, like my topic – search or sex at Frankfurt Airport Germany, like mine. Additionally, check my travel blogs for more intriguing travel stories.
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