For everything in life, we should and give thanks and recognize the people who have helped us along the way.  Firstly, I must give thanks to my God Jehovah for the knowledge, strength and patience needed to have started and completed this website.  Thank you my supporters

It wasn’t an easy task to build and design a website from scratch.  This was never my area of expertise, and yes, it took longer than expected to be completed.  However, with perseverance, determination and the strong-will to succeed, I have now successfully designed and completed this website.  This was no easy task, and without help from anyone, except for some you tube videos from both Ferdy Korpershoek and Adam Preiser (from WPCrafter).  

BLUEHOST Web hosting is by far the best web hosting company and will I certainly recommend them also,  Check them out on this page for the best price and excellent service. (Soon to come, a detailed post as to how to build your website like I did, using Bluehost web hosting).

Let this be motivation also for those who fear commencing or continuing a dream or new career because you were neither technically trained for it or because you think it may be too difficult to do.  We can all do anything we set our minds to, only if we are dedicated to it and discipline ourselves.

On many occasions I wanted to give up but with the support of a few people in my life, I got more than enough prayers, motivational words and push not to give up but to continue the dream.  Even with my whining and complaining they never encouraged me to give up.

This is to say a big THANK YOU to; J. Mullings (Trinidad & Tobago), M. Pierre (New York, U.S.A), and R. Campbell (Canada) C.E.O – Tapnbe.

I will also like to thank you the readers and followers, in advance, for your support.

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