The Republic of Lithuania is located on the South-Eastern side of the Baltic Sea and is considered to be a Baltic country. Lithuania is very popular with sports basketball both in the men and women’s leagues. It is the only country with its own scent/perfume (worldwide) called “SCENT OF LITHUANIA”. It is also the home of the Stelmuze Oak, which is the oldest Oak in Lithuania and Europe (avg. age 1000 – 2000 years old), which is declared a natural monument. Continue reading to see what else is unique about Lithuania.
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On landing at the Vilnius International Airport Lithuania, we disembarked the plane on the tarmac and were shuttled by bus to the main airport building. There was no immigration check on arrival, so it means no stamp of arrival in my passport nor did I encounter immigration on departure, on both occasions. I arrived, collected my bags and left, there were also no Customs Officers physically checking or scanning your bags on arrival either, on departure, yes. I visited Lithuania twice, the first flight from Italy and on the 2nd occasion, from Romania, both were the same procedures. The airport is very small, thus making it very user-friendly.

To get to the city there are taxis, trains (1 €) and public buses (0.72 €), the most you will/should pay by normal taxis should be between 10 € to 15 €, no more. You can use those taxi pick-up apps, and the fare will be even cheaper, as low as 7 €.
Some of the airlines I used and to/from Lithuania and will recommend for those travelling this side of the world. Firstly, I will congratulate Eurowings Europe Airlines for its on-time service, and such beautiful and friendly staff, mainly the Air Stewards/Stewardess’ they were extremely friendly especially the male I met on my flight from Rome to Austria, he had spunk and very outgoing.

I am still amazed that I have not seen one police, male nor female, neither a police car here in Lithuania, this is rather strange. In countries I visit, I usually take a photo of the different ways/languages the word “Police” is spelled, and I usually use the amount I see as to gauge the security and safety of the town/country. What can I deduce from the lack of visible police presence on the streets? It means that the crime rate is very low, and motorists drive per the rules and regulations.
I will also recommend Austrian Airlines and Lot Polish Airlines. Austrian Airlines was always on-time, hassle-free, provided refreshments on flights. Their staff were pleasant and provided professional service, even when they code-share, it was always flawless service. I used this airline between Austria/Lithuania and Romania.
This was my second time using Lot Airlines, they are always friendly, pleasant staff, (just like the lovely Polish people), light refreshments on board and hassle-free with exact baggage weight. However, at a cost of 30 € for the first 23 kg bag, I find this a bit too expensive, but good service otherwise, I used this airline between, Lithuania, (connecting in Poland) and Romania.

Vilnius is the largest city and also the capital of Lithuania. The country is bordered by its closest countries Belarus, Poland, and Latvia. On the friendliness scale, Lithuanians are about a 6/10, minus the smiles. Lithuania is not a cheap country neither is it expensive. Vilnius is guarded by UNESCO as the biggest historical archaeological complex in Europe. Like the rest of the countries on this side of the world, during the winter months, the sun sets as early as 5:00 p.m. and rises as late as 8:00 a.m.
Most days it’s very rainy with grey skies here in Vilnius. Due to the sun setting earlier, you have less daylight hours for site-seeing. Have your travel umbrella or even a light raincoat when your visit. Due to climate change, (or due to me bringing the Caribbean heat, ha!) The weather has somewhat changed, I was told that usually around this time of year, the temperature in Lithuania is -20 degrees Celsius or less and fully snow-covered. However, this year the temperature was approximately 1 to -2 degrees Celsius with very little or no snow.
There are no subway or railroad in Lithuania. The public transport system consists of buses, trolley-buses, and micro-buses (privately owned). I found the buses to be quite efficient and reasonably priced. Something that is quite noticeable is the amount of churches in Lithuania, literally one on almost every street, and all so architecturally beautiful.
The internet system here is excellent and works flawlessly. Even the sim card is quite cheap. I bought a data sim with 8 gigabytes, plus 150 minutes for only 3 € (can’t get better or cheaper than this). Compared to many countries this price is unreal. I did read somewhere Lithuania has the 2nd fastest internet in the world, I can agree with that 100%, if not the no.1 fastest.

The scent of Lithuania is a natural perfume scent developed and made in Lithuania. From what I have been told, it is a scent developed to capture the true essence, for life and happiness in Lithuania. It is a delicate and very distinctive smell. I had the privilege of smelling some of the different scents, and they all smell quite natural unlike the “generic perfume” smells of other extremely pungent home air fresheners.
These scents are more of air fresheners, candles, oils, etc. They are made with a mixture of, bergamot, raspberry, rose bouquet, grapefruit, and lily of the valley, with base additives of patchouli, cedar, sandalwood, tree moss and tree smoke. It’s a bit of a search to find stores that sell the scents and they are not cheap either. You can find some at the LOCAL.LT Store, Shopping Center GO9, Gedimino Ave. The ladies here are very patient, friendly and very helpful because you need to take a bit of time choosing the smell you like best.

I am still amazed that I have not seen one police, male nor female, neither a police car here in Lithuania, this is rather strange. In countries I visit, I usually take a photo of the different ways/languages the word “Police” is spelled and I usually use the amount I see as to gauge the security and safety of the town/country. What can I deduce from the lack of visible police presence on the streets? It means that the crime rate is very low and motorists drive per the rules and regulations.

Lithuanians do not smile much, they may even appear unfriendly (could be the grey skies here, ha!), however, under all that serious face, they are quite pleasant and friendly…once you/they get to know them/you a bit…I can guarantee this. Many Lithuanians are medium height to tall with greyish/blueish eyes, some even remind me of Croatian people, esp. the men. I do admire Lithuanians motorists, they have great respect for pedestrians and respect the pedestrian crossing. From my observation, they always quick to stop at these crossings, whether it may be one or more persons standing there.

Another thing I have noticed, the absence of beggars or homeless persons. Maybe there are lots and I haven’t seen them, but that would be rather strange being in the town for such a long time and have encountered only one. I think here and Iceland (zero) are the only two countries I have observed this.
What does this tell me? I’m sure it doesn’t mean that everyone here is rich or there aren’t poverty-stricken people, it tells me that Lithuanian people take care of their own. It can also mean it might be too cold to be homeless here, because even the summer is an average 28 degree Celsius.

Lithuania or more so Vilnius, without being bias, had the no.1 most heart-warming and most beautiful Christmas tree, of all the countries I visited during my current “holiday exploration”. Not only was the tree beautiful but the entire town was beautifully decorated. Lots of beautifully decorated Christmas trees could have been seen in other parts of the city but the one on the main square was the most splendid. Congrats to the designer/decorators of that blue and silver tree, at the main Cathedral Square.
I can say Vilnius tied with Bucharest (see my post on Bucharest/Romania) or took 2nd place for overall Christmas beautification, for the Holiday season.

I Recaptured the Christmas Spirit in Vilnius
I lost the Christmas spirit a few years ago, but being here in Vilnius and enjoying some of the Christmas activities, I certainly felt the Christmas magic and recaptured the Christmas spirit once again. Vilnius was sparkling over the Holiday season, you could have seen and felt the Christmas spirit everywhere. The beautiful blue and silver Christmas tree at the main square was illuminating day and night.
The Christmas train was a lovely addition to the whole Christmas vibe. The cute, small red train was beautifully decorated with Christmas lights both inside and out. Carols played while it drove along the cobblestone roads in Vilnius for a 40-minutes night ride. I was like a child again singing along while site-seeing at the same time.
I also viewed the 3D Christmas play shown on big screens at Cathedral Square at 8:00 p.m. This drew an extremely large crowd. Even though I didn’t understand the language I followed along somewhat and understood the essence of the Christmas story.

New year’s Eve/Old year's Night in Vilnius
On this night before the midnight hour rang in the new year 2020, Vilnius was spectacular. Cathedral Square was in preparation mode for the fireworks display. From as early as 10:00 p.m., people gathered in the square and spilled over on to the street before midnight, to get the best vantage point to view the fireworks. The only thing that spoiled it for me was, trying to get some dinner that night, as early as 9:00 p.m. every restaurant was either filled and refusing admission or was closed.
However, I was lucky and happy to enjoy a beautiful evening at SweetFection, a local intimate café/bar/dessert shop, with beautifully lighted décor. They provided excellent and friendly service to all guests that night, we were all treated to champagne and Piurinni. The hosts were very hospitable and made the start to my evening special. This is one spot I will recommend for its cozy, modern and intimate setting.
The fireworks display and the entire ambiance were spectacular that night. At midnight during the fireworks, it began snowing once again and the exuberance of the massive crowd with the singing and clapping just made it a beautiful start to the new year in Vilnius, Lithuania.

These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links to the products and information and suggested uses .
For MUST-READ BOOKS Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who are looking to improve their life and personally grow and develop. How to win friends and Influence people (#Ad) another self improvement and and social skills development read (excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight) or during your free time. CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions
Lithuania’s national dish is Cepelinai, this is dumpling made from grated potatoes and stuffed with meat. This dish is delicious, the potato dumplings are sometimes yellow or greyish, I guess according to the potatoes used, not sure, but they both taste the same. Lithuanians are definitely good in the pastry making dept., all pastries sweet or savory are excellent, no matter which shop it was bought the taste and quality was always top-notch and delicious.
The other popular dishes are:
- Spurgos (sort of Lithuanian doughnut)
- Kepta Duona – fried rye bread, this is one of the food best served with Lithuanian beers
- Saltibarsciai – a pinkish colored soup served cold and is made from beetroot and buttermilk, etc. (this one I didn’t try because I am not a fan of beetroot nor cold soup).. it is also served more in the summer
- Kibinai – Trakai’s no.1 dish which are ridged pastries with meat fillings (this one is delishhhhhhh!!)

- Take a day trip away Vilnius and visit Trakai (visit the Trakai Island Castle) and Lake Galve. Also the Hill of Crosses (avg. 2 hours drive from Vilnius)
- Gediminas Castle Tower (climb to the top of the tower for the awesome view), it’s only 5€
- Bekesh Hill (139.7 m above sea level)
- Gate of Dawn (major site for Catholic pilgrimage)
- Anne’s Church and Vilnius Cathedral
- KGB Museum (do the tour, really eye-opening and bit sad)
- Visit the Stelmuze Oak tree is the oldest Oak in Lithuania and Europe
- Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (National Museum)
- The Hill of Three Crosses, (this one is a tough climb if your knees are not strong. Almost 300 steps up plus some terrain)
- Vilnius Cathedral Square
After you have finished visiting these you can visit some of the museums (I recommend the museum of illusions) and parks at your leisure.

Trakai is a town in Lithuania, west of Vilnius, about 28 km from Vilnius. The main attraction that keeps the crowd coming is the Trakai Island Castle, this 14th-century fortress is situated in the middle of the lake Galve. The castle once housed the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.
After visiting the castle, be sure to enjoy the ferry ride on the Lake Galve for only 5 €, a lovely 30 minutes ride around the lake is very much a relaxing treat.
The town of Trakai is a beautiful community, it is a more laid-back and less busy town than Vilnius.
The popular food that is synonymous with Trakai is called is Kibinai, which is a traditional Karaim pastry. Here the people seem friendlier than in Vilnius, it was also colder than Vilnius, it was snow-covered when Vilnius had little or no snow. I do love Trakai, it has beautiful sceneries, good restaurants, serving delicious foods and a small community with a feel-good spirit.

- Lithuania celebrates two independence days, one on February 16th, and the other day of Restoration of Independence March 11th.
- It is the only country worldwide with its own scent/aroma, its call “the Scent of Lithuania” with the wildflowers, ginger, cranberry, sandalwood. Scents come in candles, sprays, etc.
- Every year the river Vilna is dyed green for St. Patricks Day (Irish Holiday).
- Lithuania has a unique brewing culture and has excellent beers.
- If you are a newly licensed driver, you get a beginner’s license and have to display the symbol of a beginner (a green leaf sticker on the car) for 2 years….and also drive at a lesser speed than regular drivers.. about punishment!!!
- Lithuanians seem to love tea, coffee, and of course beer, there are more cafes than restaurants in Vilnius from my observation.
- The Stelmuze Oak is the oldest oak tree in Lithuania, it is Lithuania natural monument and is one of the if not the oldest oak tree in Europe.
- Vilnius celebrates its birthday on the 25th of January and celebrates for 3 days 25th – 27th (this year 2020 is its 697th birthday).
- There are 18 “talking Statues” in Vilnius of all of Lithuania’s most prominent legendary people. Just use your smart phone to scan the QR codes on each and get voice and text.

Lithuania, as previously mentioned, is not an expensive country, neither is it cheap, for me, it’s closer to cheap than expensive. There are many beautiful lakes and rivers in Lithuania, that adds to its landscape. The currency used in Lithuania is Euro. The official language is Lithuanian, which is one of the oldest languages in the world. Other languages spoken here are Polish and Russian.
Lithuania is a clean and safe country and a bit low-keyed …just the way I like it. The ice cream here is so/so, normal as any other. However, when it comes to pastries I think they are no.1 for taste and varieties.
Would I recommend Lithuania to a solo traveller or generally anyone? 100%. I will, however, suggest visiting preferably in the spring or summer, for those who 1. don’t like the cold weather, (I do! but not the rain and grey clouds) 2. Prefer longer daylight hours. Lithuania is a safe country, I felt 100% safe walking the streets, day or night, as a solo traveller.
Any chance I would ever return to Lithuania? Definitely!!, I felt at home in Vilnius and do love Trakai as well. I can only imagine how much more beautiful it looks here when the trees are all covered with leaves and flowers, during spring and summer. I LOVE LITHUANIA!!

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