Why Not visit Chisinau Moldova!?
Why not visit Chisinau Moldova!? This is my question to many. I have been asked the same rather weird question by many people, why are you going to Moldova or where is it? In transiting through another European country, the Immigration Officer said to me “what’s in Moldova why are you going there?” His female colleague also agreed with his sentiments, then she said to be sure to try the Bucuria (chocolate candies). I quickly jotted down the name, because, for this recommendation from another country, I thought…it must be good, the male officer also concurred.
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Lots of people I have told I am going to Moldova, have never heard of this country or they ask what’s in the country. Even Moldovans asked me what I am doing in Moldova as if they are unworthy of a visit. Some even more curious as to why would I leave nicer European countries to visit theirs.
This is the first time I ever visited a country and got such reactions. For those who have never been to Chisinau, Moldova, I will share a little of Moldova with you. You will decide if you wish to visit or not.
Please see my Facebook page for more videos and pictures in the future.. many and big photos tends to slow down a website.

The Republic of Moldova is one of the many European countries, its capital is Chisinau. Moldova is part of the European Union and was once part of the Soviet Union. It is a country located between Ukraine and Romania. The language spoken here is mainly Romanian, some speak Russian, but there isn’t Moldovan language, as I quickly found out looking through my translator App.
Before booking 1 night here, during the planning of my vacation, I researched and discovered that it is the poorest of all the European countries and also is cheap for a visitor. Moldova is also best known for its wines, however, I will point out what I would remember it for after my stay is long over. Follow me to the end of this post.
Arrival at the Chisinau International Airport was smooth. No such luck of walking from the airplane directly into the airport building.
As I exited the airplane and took my first breath of freezing cold air, I got goosebumps. It also look as though everyone next to me was smoking, no!! it was just the hot air from our nostrils leaving a frosty vapor, it was that cold. You are shuttled from the Tarmac to the main airport building, about 6 minutes, drive by bus. I must point out, Chisinau has a small, spotlessly clean and beautifully designed airport.
The Immigration area as small, the Immigration Officer had to leave the booth to go check my passport, maybe it’s the first time he was seeing a Caribbean passport, not sure, but as I previously wrote, it’s the norm, whenever I travel to some countries. The Customs Officers were very friendly and welcoming, the top 5 friendliest. The entire process as quick and hassle-free.

- Maybe it’s just the time of the year, but Chisinau is the coldest city I have visited, averaging 1 deg. Celsius or less every day, with no snow, even colder than those I visited with snow. I think it’s a different intense coldness here. just my view. It is rather unusual also, being in a country where the sun begins to wane around 3:00 pm, by 4:30 pm it’s dark. Therefore, anyone experiencing this for the first time might assume if the sun sets earlier then it will rise earlier, not here!! The sun usually rises close to 7:00 a.m. that’s when the place begins to brighten.
- The people of Chisinau on the friendliness scale I give maybe a 6/10. I don’t find many people here smile much. There are some really lovely people here, very friendly and personable and others downright unfriendly. I am also very surprised to see how handsome and cute the men are, and women are really beautiful… seriously! The men remind me of Croatian men. From my observation obesity seems very low here, which pertains to both men and women. Ladies!! the men here are without the “beer bellies” …book your flights!!!!… Hahaha.

3. Moldova has their locally-made sweet treats, nothing like it…just wow!! the Immigration Officer was right, I wasn’t disappointed. There are also shops with the name Bucaria, specializing in just that, I really cannot say how many varieties of these chocolates there are, but I bought four of each variety, I got over 25 varieties (however, that’s not all of the varieties). The chocolates are made with different fillings, wines, syrup, nuts coconut, jellies, you name it they’ve got it. I think it’s the best variety of chocolates I have ever had.
4. Chisinau stands out for what is simply the best ice creams, my view once again, never in my wildest dream did I expected to find fairly alright ice cream here.
I sampled ice cream from about 6 different restaurants and shops and I must say Chisinau is in my top 3 best ice cream in almost 60 countries. You know the type of ice cream you scoop with your spoon and lift and it still clings to the rest of the ice cream in the bowl, that it leaves a peak…mmm…rich. creamy and delicious.

The Republic of Moldova is one of the world’s top 20 wine producers, for 2019 when it comes to wine production. It also has the 2 longest underground wine cellars in the world.
Milestii Mici and Cricova wineries are both not located in Chisinau, but a short drive away. Milestii Mici is about 19 km from Chisinau and holds the Guinness World Record for the longest/largest wine cellar in the world, at 200 km and with an average of almost two million bottles.

Cricova is 15 km north of Chisinau, and the 2nd longest/largest at 120 km. Somehow, Cricova seems to the more popular one visited by tourists. (In a subsequent post, I will share some important tips as to how to visit Cricova the economical way). Both wineries have been visited by presidents worldwide and some even have their wines in these cellars specifically made for them.
Many households have small plots of vineyards in villages and make their varieties of home-made wines, handed down from one generation to the next. Grapes are plentiful here and cheaply priced at the markets too.

- Even if the light is on the green, for the pedestrian to cross, still cross with caution. I have seen vehicle crossing even though they were not to. On pedestrian crossing without the lights, take extra caution. ..in Chisinau, you don’t seem to have the right away to cross on these. I have been in groups standing at pedestrian crossings, waiting to cross and drivers just speed by without stopping, some pass by even whilst you are crossing. within one week, 2 pregnant ladies were knocked down on 2 different pedestrian crossings.
- It will help if you have a translator to help with the language barrier, like in Russia, most people here don’t speak English, some esp. in supermarkets and stores become irritable grumble when they don’t understand you or your gesticulations.
- Double jacket up and walk with your travel umbrella, it’s very cold and rains a lot here in December.
- Know that your days are shorter and the sun starts losing its vibrancy as early as 3:30 pm, so you will need to start your site -seeing earlier in the day to get the benefits of the daylight.
- Da means yes and Moldovans love using it a lot, all day you hear them say it.. Da Da Da in rapid successions. Ha!
- You will not find a lot of the people here speaking English. The younger people, especially those in school, speak it flawlessly. Point to note, they also seem friendlier than the older folks.
- English radio stations seem prominent here, almost everywhere all I hear is American music, even at the airport.
- Definitely try the hot mulled wine (Izvar), it is served steaming hot, it’s a treat and something worth trying, in a wine-country like Moldova.
- Get at least a few varieties of the Moldovan Bucuria sweets/chocolates..there are more than 25 varieties.
- Partake in some of Moldova’s ice cream and its local dishes like its traditional pies or Placinta (pronounced Pla-chin-ta) with many different fillings, like cheese, cabbage, etc. and Mamaliga (cornmeal based mush), Zeamea (Zama) traditional soup.

- Visit Cricova or Milesti Mici wineries is a must, these are the no.1 and no. 2 must-see and do sites to visit. They are underground and accessible only by tour and tour guides using the golf-cart like transport and must be booked in advance. You are grouped according to your language.
- A visit to Central Market is a definite must, it is a tourist delight, from fresh fruits to luggage, electronics, souvenirs, clothes, every and anything you need is here. Point to note…don’t waste your time asking for a discount, it seems haggling is non-existent here.
- Orheiul Vechi (Old Orhei), this is a historical and archaeological site, it is located in the rocky area of the Raut River. This complex also has a Cave Monastery and ruins from the days of the Dacian tribes. It is located approximately 60 km from Chisinau.

4. Fortress Soroca, this is a historical Fortress, built at the Nistru River Crossing in 1499 in the city of Soroca. Lovely medieval castle-like structures. It is located cool 2 hours’ drive from Chisinau.
5. Crita Cave or Emil Racovita is a cave founded in 1959, during the blast in a gypsum quarry and named after a Romanian biologist. It is the 3rd largest gypsum cave worldwide. It is located about 265 km from Chisinau.
6. Many Museums like the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, National Museum of Moldovan Arts and the Military Museums. Many lovely parks are also in Chisinau like Dendarium Park, Stefan Cel Mare Park, Valea Morilor (my favorite) and Cathedral Park.
Chisinau is not your typical European city with lots of majestic architectural beauties, nonetheless, there are many lovely buildings here. The city does not appear to be poor nor does it look like the poorest. It also seems it to be clean. I saw fewer beggars here than many of the so-called prominent European countries. I saw a total of 3 ladies who were bent over on the pavement with arms outstretched.
No one has ever walked up to me to beg neither did I see any homeless children begging, like in so many other countries. From my observation, it seems as though Moldovans are generous people as well, non-stop I saw the ladies being given money by passers-by, in other cities 1 out of every 20 or so persons who pass by may stop to give.
Here, the people dress very stylishly, both men and women, had I not read it’s the poorest European country I would have never thought it is. Maybe it is, but the capital of a country most times, I think, is a good gauge to how it is doing economically.
I observed there are lots of high-end vehicles of the road, and high-end stores. Prices for goods and commodities are excellent compared to the rest of Europe. The market has many varieties of fresh fruits and produce, seems there may be a lot of farmers in Moldova, from the quality and freshness of the fruits and vegetables.

Christmas in Moldova seems to be very warm and cozy amidst the cold weather. Everywhere there is truly the air of Christmas, Carols (in English) playing in the streets and on the radio, the city is beautifully decorated with Christmas trees and lights.
There is also a nice Christmas market/park for the children and adults, here, there are rides for the children and the adults can also enjoy a glass of hot Moldovan wine. Special mention must be made of the person/persons who decorated the Airport for Christmas, a beautiful job!

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So,why not visit Chisinau Moldova!? I would definitely recommend, Chisinau for me is a more laid-back city, it is not a pretentious city. I like it, maybe because I am just a visitor and don’t know of all its problems. I have met some Moldovans who want to get out and others say they love their country. Not every country I visited I liked, here because it’s quiet, it felt homely to me. Modova is perfect for the traveller on a small budget.
Exchange rate are as follows; USD$1.00 = 17.30 Leu, Euro 1.00 = 19.30 Leu. It is one country I will not hesitate to revisit, once the opportunity arises. For those who are looking for partying and the thrill of the night-life, I will not recommend.
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